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Safe and Sound Protocol

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a science-backed listening program, using specially filtered music to retrain the nervous system and foster a sense of safety. SSP has been shown to decrease sound sensitivities, improve regulation, and encourage interaction and socialization. 

How it Works

The Science

Current research tells us that individuals with sensory processing disorder, autism, trauma, and anxiety demonstrate an exaggerated stress response, often referred to as the fight or flight response. When this pathway is frequently activated, it becomes harder and harder to turn it off. Suddenly, minor challenges become huge blowups! SSP aims to retrain the fight or flight response by targeting the vagal nerve- the nerve responsible for activating this pathway- interrupting the stress response, and retraining the brain to tune into cues of safety. 

The Specifics
Participating in SSP requires a trained therapist to monitor the program, and an attentive caregiver to co-regulate with the child during each listening session. Each SSP program includes 5 hours of music delivered over a period of 10-30 days. The program works best when delivered over consecutive days and around the same time each day. 

Signs Your Child May Benefit from SSP

  • Challenges engaging with others​

  • Low frustration tolerance

  • Hypersensitive to sounds

  • Poor attention

  • Anxiety

  • Hyperactivity 

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